Vector spaces: The algebraic essentials

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Some Basics from Topology

Let X be any nonempty set. By \mathcal P(X) we will denote the power set of X, i.e. the set containing all possible subsets of X:

    \[\mathcal P(X) = \{ A: A \subset X\}.\]

A topology on X is a subset \mathcal T \subset \mathcal P(X) satisfying:

  1. X \in \mathcal T and \emptyset \in \mathcal T,
  2. If \mathcal A \subset \mathcal T, then \bigcup_{A \in \mathcal A} A \in \mathcal T,
  3. If \mathcal A \subset \mathcal T consists of finitely many elements, then \bigcap_{A \in \mathcal A} A \in \mathcal T.

As usual, a function f: (X, \mathcal T) \to (Y, \mathcal S), where (X, \mathcal T) and (Y, \mathcal S) are topological spaces, is continuous if f^{-1}(O) \in \mathcal T for any O \in \mathcal S. It is easy to check that the composition of continuous functions is continuous.

Lemma: If X is a non-empty set and \{ \mathcal T_i: i \in I\} a family of topologies on X (where I is an arbitrary index set), then

    \[\mathcal T := \bigcap_{i\in I} \mathcal T_i\]

is also a topology on X.

Proof: It is straightforward to verify that \mathcal T satisfies the axioms of a topology. ∎
Lemma: If X is a non-empty set, \{ (Y_i, \mathcal S_i: i \in I\} a family of topological spaces (where I is an arbitrary index set) and for each i \in I f_i is a function from X to Y_i. Then, there is a minimal (i.e. smallest) topology \mathcal T on X such that each function f_i is continuous as a function from (X, \mathcal T) to (Y, \mathcal S_i).

Proof: Clearly, there exists a topology making each f_i continuous (take the trivial topology \mathcal P(X)). Hence, we can consider

    \[\mathcal T = \bigcap_{i \in I} \big \tau,\]

where the second intersection is taken over all topologies \tau on X making f_i continuous. ∎

The topology in the previous lemma, being defined by X, the topological spaces (Y_i, \mathcal S_i) and the functions f_i (i \in I) is called the initial topology.

Given the family (X_i, \mathcal T_i) of topological spaces, we can consider the cartesian product

    \[X := \prod_{i \in I} X_i := \{ x: I \to \sqcup_i X_i: x(i) \in X_i \text{ for every } i \in I\}.\]

Now, the Axiom of choice yields that the product set X is non-empty. In particular, we can consider the initial topology making all the projections

    \[\pi_i: X \to X_i, \quad \pi_i(x) = x(i)\]

continuous. This topology is called the product topology on X. We have the following important facts about product topologies:

Lemma: Let (X_i, \mathcal T_i) be a collection of topological spaces, (X, \mathcal T) and their product space with product topology. Then, the projection maps \pi_i: X \to X_i are open, i.e. for O \in \mathcal T we have \pi_i(O) \in \mathcal T_i.

Proof: Let O \in \mathcal T. ∎
Lemma: Let (X_i, \mathcal T_i) be a collection of topological spaces, (X, \mathcal T) their product space with product topology and f: (Y, \mathcal S) \to (X, \mathcal T) a function. Then, f is continuous if and only if \pi_i \circ f is continuous for every i \in I. Here, \pi_i is again the projection \pi_i: X \to X_i.

Proof: Contininuity of f implies continuity of \pi_i \circ f for any i, since the projections \pi_i are continuous by construction of the product topology.
Now, assume that \pi_i \circ f is continuous for each i. Given some O \in \mathcal T, we need to show that f^{-1}(O) \in \mathcal S. ∎
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